Learn about the Rights of Indigenous People

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of indigenous peoples. It establishes a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the indigenous peoples of the world and it elaborates on existing human rights standards and fundamental freedoms as they apply to the specific situation of indigenous peoples.

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Educate all Newcomers About what Colonialism is in Canada

We all need education in Indigenous histories and cultures–and newcomers must be included in the initiative to foster relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. While we hope some resources in the ConnectR project will be accessible to newcomers, there are also local organizations like Saskatoon’s Open Door Society which hosts special training and events.

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Read the Truth & Reconciliation Commission’s Report

Everyone, at some point in their journey of Reconciliation, needs to read the 94 Calls to Action recommended by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to “redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation.” Or connect here to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission Final Report to read other sections and excerpts.

We have included this action in every category and every path on this website as a reminder of how important it is for us to understand the history and path of Reconciliation in our country.

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