Listen: All My Relations

The podcast All My Relations, hosted by Matika Wilbur and Adrienne Keene, explores relationships — to land, to creatural relatives, and to one another. Each episode invites guests to delve into a different topic facing Indigenous Peoples today – they play games, laugh, and even cry sometimes.

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Listen: Warrior Life Podcast

Mi’kmaq lawyer Dr. Pam Palmater hosts Warrior Life, an Indigenous podcast focusing on a lifestyle that focuses on decolonizing our minds, bodies and spirits while at the same time revitalizing our cultures, traditions, laws and governing practices. She interviews grassroots activists, Indigenous leaders, and knowledge keepers.

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Listen: The Porcupine

The Porcupine is a podcast series exploring reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous Canadians. Listen in as they have in-depth, funny, and revealing discussions with a variety of people, from activists to comedians, who are all focusing on reconciliation in big, small, and surprising ways.

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Listen to Finding Celo

Missing and Murdered: Finding Cleo, is a podcast by CBC Saskatchewan that seeks to tell the story of a young Cree girl apprehended by child welfare workers in Saskatchewan in the 1970’s. Her siblings say she was stolen, and then raped and murdered while trying to hitchhike back home, her body left at the side of the road somewhere in the United States. They have no idea where she is, whether her name was changed, or if anyone has been charged in her murder.

Like many Indigenous children, Cleo’s brothers and sisters were taken from their community, displayed in advertisements, and sent to live with white adoptive families across North America, through a controversial program called “Adopt Indian and Metis.” They’ve reconnected as adults and are determined to find their missing sister and penetrate the secrets shrouding the truth about Cleo.

CBC’s Connie Walker joins in their search, uncovering disturbing new details about how and why Cleo was taken, where she wound up, and how she died.

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Download an Indigenous Language App

Maskwacis Cree, developed by Samson Cree Nation, it lets you explore 20 different categories of words, play word games and take quizzes. For Apple devices

Maskosis Goes to School, developed by Samson Cree Nation, it will teach you about pow wows, traditional Cree values, culture and basic language structure. For Apple and Android devices

Kobe Learn, developed by Keewaytinook Okimakanak Board of Education, it is a suite of apps available in Cree, Oji-Cree and Ojibway. For Apple and Android devices

Plains Cree Yorkton Tribal Council, developed by Yorkton Tribal Council, it teaches the Plains Cree Language, including categories such as greetings, weather, animals, anatomy and family. For Apple devices

Singuistics, developed by Pinnguaq Technology, it will teach traditional songs from Inuktitut, Gwich’in, Anishinaabemowin, Cree and Chipewyan languages. For Apple devices

FirstVoices, developed by First Peoples’ Heritage Language and Culture Council, it contains keyboard software for over 100 Indigenous languages, including every First Nations language in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. For Apple and Android devices

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Learn About the Significance of Indigenous Drums

The Native Drums web project is a diverse dialogue on culture, history and traditional knowledge with Indigenous cultural partners, educational institutions, government and private industry. Centred around the central themes of drums and music of Canadian First Peoples, Native Drums traces the history, mythology, and significance of the drum in traditional societies of Canada’s Eastern Woodlands, compared with Western Coastal regions in terms of history, arts and culture.

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Listen to Indigenous Musicians

Indigenous Musicians on CBC Music

Indigenous Music Countdown

Listen to episodes of Reclaimed, CBC’s Indigenous music program. Get to know nominees and winners of the Indigenous Music Awards. Watch videos showcasing Canada’s top Indigenous musicians. Here are some lists and artists to start you off!

We hate trying to fit these genre-defying artists into categories, but hope it will help you find your next favourite artist.
FOLK, ROCK, SINGER/SONGWRITER Andrea MenardDigging RootsSusan Aglukark, Winston WuttuneeJohn ArcandTomson Highway
ALTERNATIVE  Tanya TagaqiskwēJeremy Dutcher,  Melody McKiver
CLASSICAL Cris Derksen
COUNTRY Crystal ShawandaShane Yellowbird
ELECTRONIC A Tribe Called Red
HIP HOP  T-RhymeEekwol, DrezusJB The First Lady, Joey Stylez

Want to recommend an artist for this list? Send it to us!

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Watch HeartSpeak TV to learn the history of Residential Schools

Heartspeak is about sharing stories that inspire and providing inspirational educational media to support well-being and success. In this segment, Senator Murray Sinclair (Chair, Truth & Reconciliation Commission) provides background on the history of residential schools and the work of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission. He highlights the need to teach the history and intergenerational impact of residential schools and our shared responsibility to forge a new relationship of mutual respect and trust.

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