The journey of Reconciliation is not an easy one. That’s why we built ConnectR—to help people take that first step, and then the next step, and next step…
On the site, you’ll find calls to action
Ideas about things that you can do to move toward Reconciliation. We start by inviting you into the circle, to choose your path. You can also find calls to action organized into themes, so that you can access information that appeals to your interests and where you’re at on your journey.
Become a ConnectR by responding to one of those calls
It’s that simple. It’s about learning and taking action and then repeating that cycle as you grow what you know.
Want to help others? Share your journey.
Visit us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and use the hashtag #BeAConnectR. When you share your journey, you help to grow the community of people who are actively doing small actions—one at a time—to foster change, build relationships, and create a shared future.
Need support or accountability?
We regularly host Reconciliation Challenges, inviting people to join a private Facebook group and choose a call to action every week for 8 weeks. The Challenges and Facebook group are great ways to find a community of others doing this work. We also host Let’s Talk: Reconciliation Conversations every month. Check out our Events page for more details!
Our site is continually growing and evolving
It is the work of a community! So be sure to share your feedback or ideas for content here. We look forward to hearing from you.